Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Do I need to have played Dragon Age: Origins to understand Dragon Age 2?

I really love all of Bioware's games and many RPG's, but I did not really hear of Dragon Age when it came out. I want to play the original and the sequel but I'd rather not spend too much money. If it was possible, I would just play the sequel if I could understand it. Please help and thank you.Do I need to have played Dragon Age: Origins to understand Dragon Age 2?
Dragon Age 2, ironically, takes place hundreds of years BEFORE Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Awakening. So, to answer, you do not need to play DA:O to understand DA2. You can, if you want, go to the Dragon Age wiki and catch up on the DA:O storyline to understand the basic idea.

I would still recommend buying Dragon Age: Origins, as it is one of the best Fantasy RPG games ever made.

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